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Photo credit: Melaine Lennon

The past few weeks haven’t been the easiest – there’s no denying this. Yet, these tough times have taught me a lot. More than anything, I’ve realized how important it is to appreciate the smalls things. Whether that’s going to the mall when you’re bored or stopping by Starbucks for a chat with friends.

These are things most of us do without much thought. They aren’t the most eventful situations, and they may not require a lot of planning, but they’re still appreciated. I think many of us now realize just how lucky we are to be able to partake in daily activities like this because you miss them when they’re no longer available.

Social interaction is so important. We do it on a daily basis but when the engagement is no longer in-person, it just isn’t the same. There’s something about being in your friends’ presence, sitting together, sharing a hug, laughing – that a FaceTime call can’t match.

Even a simple chat with the barista at your local coffee shop or a quick ‘hello’ to the security guard on campus becomes an important part of your day without you realizing it. No interaction, however big or small, will go unappreciated from now on.

I’ve really just learned to be grateful for whatever life brings my way. I feel like most of us don’t truly appreciate each day unless it involves something eventful and exciting. We forget about the small things, the mundane days that sometimes feel like fillers between the high points of our lives. But with those unexciting days comes freedom.

I know I didn’t see it like that before, but it’s clear now. This pandemic has definitely taught me to be grateful for mediocracy. Life doesn’t have to be exciting all the time in order for it to be appreciated and I’m happy I know this now.

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